Friday, January 20, 2012

Bell 406/407 Swashplate

Here is a Bell 406/407 Swashplate I did about a year ago. This is much better than the Blackhawk rotor head for two reasons: 1,) I had learned more of Modo (2.) I had an old OH-58D Tech Manual on PDF from when I worked at Ft. Hood. So, I used Photoshop to get the orthographic projections from the book, and used them as backdrops to model from.

Outer Ring- as seen from Modo

Another view of the outer ring. Added Outer Cap and hardware,.. and bearings.

Inner Ring

Support Assembly.

This was probably the most difficult part I had ever modelled at the time.
This took me several hours to get right,.. and there are some minor errors,.. but only a few people out there would ever spot them! :D
Complete Assembly

Not too shabby,.. it's still missing alot. Hardware mostly.

Exploded view! 


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